Saturday 17 August 2019

Thumb & Thumbelina's Travels

With the nasty winds and rains that we have had of late, we have spent quite a bit of time indoors.  The wind has just been so unpleasant and really cold and these conditions have not encouraged us to go outdoors much.  So for much of that time, we decided to rug up and keep warm and cosy in our caravan.

This has now given me an opportunity of writing a little more about our ourselves and my thoughts and reflections on our journey so far.

So ..... I thought I would start off with a little story about our Facebook group page, "Thumb & Thumbelina's Travels".

Many of our followers will know and understand why we have called it by that name.  But I am sure there are many who have scratched their heads in puzzlement and wondered how on earth we got to this name.

The page was originally created in November 2015 and was called Living the Dream and was created to record Edwin's 2016 trip to the USA on a motorcycle.  This was to incorporate a 10 day memorial motorcycle ride called Run For the Wall ( from California to Washington DC to honour veterans from all wars killed in action and to call for an accounting of all those Missing in Action and all those Prisoners of War.

After this 10-day mission ride, Edwin's plan was then to spend the next 3 months touring the States on the motorcycle.

However, after day 6 into this memorial ride, Edwin and his very good American friend, Kevin, who was also doing the ride, were caught up in an unfortunate accident which did not seriously injure them but left them both shaken with a few bruises and Edwin with a dislocated thumb (which later turned out to be actually broken).

Aah, so now you can figure out how Edwin got the road name of Thumb! 😄😄

A special fun patch Edwin made for 2017 when he 
went back to do the memorial ride again
The terrible disappointment for Edwin at that point was that his whole trip was in tatters, the memorial ride seemed over and the tour he had planned was just not going to happen.  But after giving it some thought, both Edwin and Kevin hired a car and carried on to Washington DC to complete the memorial ride albeit in a car and not a motorcycle.  And after arriving in Washington, he completed a month of sightseeing around the States before returning back to New Zealand.  So still a great trip with lots of wonderful memories.

And obviously no guesses as to how I got named the road name of Thumbelina!  You cannot have Thumb without ..... Thumbelina. 😄😄

Now you will often see on our Facebook group page reference to Run For The Wall and motorcycles.  This is something very dear to Edwin and means a lot to him.

Now we are on travels of a different sort but you just never know .... we just may be hopping on a motorcycle and doing a trip sometime somewhere in the future.

PS:  Edwin has completed 3 Run For The Wall memorial rides and I joined him in 2017 to do the ride.

Edwin on Run For The Wall 2018

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