Friday 2 August 2019

Aargh - Wild weather again and again!!

If you have been wondering why all has been quiet for a while, it has been because we have had to hunker down, stayed indoors to escape more heavy winds and rains.

It has been said:

The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind and the sound of the outer ocean on a beach.

Over the past few weeks, we have had a bombardment of all three of these elements in full cry .... pelting rain, winds at full throttle and pounding oceans.  There was lots of shaking and rattling going on with the caravan but our Rockwood stood firm.  The real difficulty was trying to get a good night's sleep with all the shaking going on.  Combine this weather bomb with a full moon and we have recipe for disaster.... sleep deprivation was going to be inevitable.

And that is how we rolled through the middle of July and how we started August off .....  with wild woolly weather.

So gone for a while is our mild winter weather, our calm sunny days and beautiful serene beach scenes.  Instead our views became this:

And when we got the chance to go outside .....

So while we chill out in our caravan, we feel safe and sheltered - so we just wait it out. This weather shall pass and the good thing that cheers us up is that winter is on its way out.  We are into August now.  Soon it will be September and spring will be on the horizon, followed by summer.  Aah summer, please come soon.

Now I think it though is a good time to snuggle down in the couch with a nice cup of hot coffee and get out my book .....

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