Saturday 17 August 2019

All About Lulu

This post is all about a dog ..... a little dog called Lulu.

I call Lulu a rescue dog even though she came out of a home and not an animal shelter.  I say that because she came into our home on 29 May 2014 as a timid anxious little 2 year old dog.  She trembled in our arms for weeks, a fearful little bundle of nerves, terribly afraid of people and other animals.... an emotionally fragile little girl.

We worked with her fears and anxieties with lots of love and understanding over the first year of getting her.  With training and establishment of a routine combined with socialising activities over time, our timid little girl has become so much more confident.  She still is somewhat nervous around other dogs - this is something that has never quite changed with her but that is OK with us.  Rather that than too much bravado and attitude.

So Lulu is now 7 years old at the time of writing this post and is our roadie fur baby on this new journey of ours.

We have been wondering how she would adapt to road life as she is a girl that thrives on set routine of sound and behaviour patterns.  Her environment, sights and sounds are going to be ever-changing whilst we travel around the country and so this will be a challenge for Lulu.  At the moment we are staying longer at campsites so not moving around that frequently.  But even so, she had adapted so well to her new tiny home and new backyards.  She is now comfortable with living in the caravan and loves exploring the campsites and surrounds.  And being on the beach - well, that is her happy place!

We like to think that Lulu is also living her dream right now.  She has mom and dad fulltime with her, a lovely big "kennel and playpen" that is her new home, exciting and new places to visit and explore and so many humans to charm and beguile with her cute personality.

Aah, what more could a little doggie want in life ..... just take a peak at a day in the life of Lulu ....

Seriously .... you want me to get up?!

Nothing like a warm sunny spot on the grass

Playtime on the beach .... oh oh is that another dog I see?

Snuggle time with mommy
Too tired now .... just want to sleep.

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