Wednesday 22 May 2019

Just Stuff

So now that we decided it was time to live full time on the road ….. it was time to let go …. Let go of our house;  let go of our furniture, let go of all of our stuff.  And all this happened in a month!

Purging ourselves of all the material stuff that seemed to have had so much meaning in our lives for all of the past 10 years definitely did our heads in at the start of this process.  But once we got started on Project Downsize, it was amazing how easy it actually was.  Once you remove the emotion behind it, it becomes incredibly easy.  All that stuff became just that …. just stuff!  In fact, there was even relief in knowing that we would soon be rid of all the stuff that seems to weigh us down.

So once the sale of the house was in progress (and believe me that was certainly fraught with enough stress and drama to convince us to never to own another house again - but that is another story), we were faced with the decision of what to do about our furniture?  However this problem was quickly solved with the buyer of our house super keen to take over our furniture too - we couldn't have wished for a better solution to that problem.

Then the great purge on all that extra stuff that filled every room and our garage in our house started.  It took all of the last 2 weeks to frantically rid ourselves of everything surplus to our needs.  What we could not fit into our 9 metre caravan had to go!  Talk about taking minimalism to another level.

And before we knew it, the month of April had flown by, it was 3 May ….. our 5 bedroom house was no longer ours and all our worldly possession were loaded into our Holden Colorado and BMW car and we were on our way to start our new life.  WhooHoo!  We were finally free to live the life we had dreamed off, free to explore this amazing country we live in, free to be whatever we want to be.

Let our next chapter begin!

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