Thursday 16 May 2019

Don't cry because it is over, Smile because it happened.

Until you are in a situation you have never experienced, you just cannot comprehend how it really feels....  As this old idiom states:  Walk a mile in her shoes ….

Now I have seen and witnessed a few redundancies in my life but never been the person in the middle of it, until 15 March 19 when a folded white letter has handed to me just after 3 pm that fateful Friday afternoon.  That was when my full-time work ended ….. Boom!  Just like that.  I walked out of a job shortly thereafter never to return.

Yes, I experienced all the usual feelings of shock, disappointment, anger and loss of confidence in the days and weeks that followed.  But once I worked through all these raw emotions, there was a strange new exciting feeling in my life - the absolute feeling of release from stress and a wonderful new sensation of freedom.

I was starting to enjoy this new life of mine, which got us thinking why did I need to get another job ….. why could we not just start our retirement right here, right now ….. let's just pull our 2-year plan forward and do what we always wanted to.  Get out on the road and live our dream.

So I stopped looking for full-time work.  Instead, we concentrated on putting into action our dream and wish of so many years.

This was the perfect opportunity to use the situation to achieve our goal.  And our life on the road was within our grasp!

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