Saturday 6 July 2019

Be curious, you never know what is around the corner

I have often told that I am far too curious and nosy for my own good.  Yes I am, I won't deny it.

I have always been curious from even when I was a little girl.  From an early age I have always wanted to know the 'why", "how", "where" and 'when" of everything I read, saw and explored.  I was fascinated about everything that made up my world and loved getting the bigger picture of events, things and life itself.

And I still do!

Good and honest curiosity in itself is a good thing;  it feeds your imagination and creativity and makes life far more interesting and exciting.

So ..... of course, being true to my curious self, I started to wonder what was around the rocky corner at the end of the bay.

Here is what I found .......

Rocks and rock pools:

A small cave:

A hole in the wall:

And a secluded beach:

They say curiosity killed the cat, so don't be nosy.  Nah, I don't think curiosity killed the cat - I think ignorance did. 

If I had stayed sitting on the grass pondering my question "What is around the corner?" and did nothing, I would not have discovered these secluded wonders of nature hidden from my sight.

Walt Disney penned these famous words:  "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

So, be curious. 

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