Friday 28 June 2019

Listen to the Ocean

"Listen to the ocean
echoes of a million seashells
Forever it's in motion
Moving to a rhythmic and
unwritten music
That's played eternally"

(Lyrics - Listen to the Ocean
Nina and Frederick)

Where we are now, the sound the sea and surf is constant. The volume changes as high tide comes in and then recedes. You hear it all day and all night, constant natural white noise. At times you just tune it out and at other times, the crashing surf is so loud and fierce, especially in the quiet of the night.

The loud noise of the surf really amazes me as I take my daily walks along the beach in the day.... the sea certainly does not look rough or dangerous. In fact, the sea looks fairly calm with low waves and a sandy beach. Yet the sound of the waves crashing down on the beach is really loud and conjures up a picture of an angry sea which it definitely is not.

I guess that is how deceptive sounds can be.... or is that the ocean itself is deceptive;  relatively fine and OK to the eye, but who knows what is lying under the surface of the waves and surf.  Are there any nasty rips or treacherous rocks?  Who knows as I will not be testing out the waters here now in winter ....

But while we are parked off here, I will admire the beauty of this beach and coastline on our doorstep.  So until we leave, I will wake up every day to a gorgeous view and serene start of the day and go to bed with the ever constant, clamourous orchestral manoeuvres of the ocean.

Yes, life is good ..... very good!

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